A Journal of Unsettling & Unorthodox Stories

Stories by Peculiar Pollyannaish
2 min readSep 10, 2024


Photo by Andrei J Castanha on Unsplash

A journal of Unsettling and Unorthodox Thoughts begins to accumulate all those abnormal, complex, and intricate thoughts that are enigmatic, manic, queer, and quirky — disturbing and unorthodox accounts deemed unacceptable by the majority. These are unfiltered, unaltered, and unapologetic reflections — the purest form of candid cadence.

Every day, we confront these critical (or criminal) thoughts in one way or another. Some of us manage to keep them at bay, while others fall prey to these inner foes, sinking deep into darkness, trapped in an endless whirlpool of conflict. We become immersed, experiencing a guilty pleasure or a fleeting ecstasy that comes from giving in to our demons.

Here lies a collection of such unorthodox and disturbing accounts — thoughts we bury deep within, never to see the light of day. Even the faintest whisper of these thoughts could brand us as criminals in the eyes of the so-called saints. But are there any true saints among us? Has anyone ever walked this world without confronting their inner demons?

The journal of unsettling and unorthodox thoughts is not confined to the unvoiced musings but also holds space for untold stories — truthful accounts that get strangled and die away, only to resurface in the loneliest hours, when the soul is laid bare and vulnerable. In those moments, our demons never hesitate to nag us.

1- The Lost World.

2- Bed of Roses.

3- Donkey — Part I.

4- Donkey — Part II.

5- Self Love.

6- The Lingering Pain of Childhood Bullying.

7- Innocence Disrupted: Decent into Shadows.

8- Beneath the Surface.

9- The Caller at 4PM.

10- The Unending Agony of Being a Women.

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Stories by Peculiar Pollyannaish

An occasional writer who loves to dwell in never-never land and has an endearing penchant for inditing. An avid reader who savors fiction like cheesy-Alfredo.